Not all that Glitters…

“Not all that glitters are gold,” someone aptly said it.  There are other stuff that glitter though they are not gold. However, oftentimes people only notice what they physically see in others and in objects.  Remember, the more important things  in people and in things are hidden.  They lie deeper, hidden beneath the surface. At times we don’t see them on the surface by just a mere look. All we have to do is to see deeper and longer for us to appreciate the true glitters in others.

It’s time for us to see the true glitters in others. They are never seen on the outside, but deeper.  Let’s find the true glitters in others.



   Writing is a hobby that keeps your mind alert and active.  Why?  Because when you write you to first and then choose your words before you send them off.  It helps you more to stay mentally allert and keep your mind very alive.